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References and history

We warmly thank our clients, their suggestions, ideas, requirements and our ability to create have provided us with a 34 year existence and a clear future perspective.
Here is a brief overview of some sectoral references

Reference categories

Health, industry, education, public administration



Education, science and research

Public administration


Timeline - 34 years

2024 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 618
Server/client applications: 740
Total: 1 358

2023 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 535
Server/client applications: 743
Total: 1 278

2022 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 468
Server/client applications: 739
Total: 1 207

2022 - Extension of the webBox system with new modules and functionalities

webDrive - travel orders

Project AVASpace - API interface between ERP systems Asseco Solutions and webBox

Box of applications - webBox:

webBox - system administration
webVisitor - time and attendance system
webPatrol - access control system
webLuxDoor - visiting system
webApetit - catering system
webReader - virtual reader - web interface
webReader Mobile - SmartPhone interface
webDrive - travel orders
webSign - signature of documents

2021 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 407
Server/client applications: 740
Total: 1 147

2020 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 319
Server/client applications: 735
Total: 1 054

2020 - Completion of the FaceControl project - Mass Face Recognition

SW: webPatrol - complete administration, IFace Server - face recognition algorithms
HW: NVIDIA Jetson TX, performance: 1,330,000,000,000 floating point operations per second

2019 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 233
Server/client applications: 726
Total: 959

2018 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 145
Server/client applications: 702
Total: 847

2018 - Start - FaceControl project

Complete new product development
Partners: Ardaco, Innovatrics, Ústav Informatiky SAV

2017 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 66
Server/client applications: 671
Total: 737

2017 - Extension of the webBox system with new modules and functionalities

webPatrol - Access Control system
webLuxDoor - Visiting system
webApetit - Catering system

2016 - Number of installed licenses

Web applications: 10
Server/client applications: 632
Total: 642

2015 - Start - sales of open-code applications

Company Research Institute Joints, n.o.
Biometric Time and Attendance System - webBox/WebVisitor

2010 - Start - research and development of open-code applications

Historical company milestone, transition to open-code technology

2007 - Nuclear Power plant Dukovany

Solution: Biometric authentication of employees

2007 - The first biometric Time and Attendance system installed in Hungary

Glassworks R-GLASS, Salgotarian, hand geometry evidence of employee Time and Attendance

2006 - Biometric Time and Attendance System in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Company SHP Celex, a.d., Banja Luka (included: SHP Harmanec) uses hand geometry to register arrivals, departures, and breaks (time off)

October 1996 - implementation of the first biometric Time and Attendance system in Slovakia

SW: Visitor (MS DOS, APIS, Slovensko)
HW: HandKey (hand geomatry; Recognition Systems, USA)

1991 - Company formation

03.09.1991 - APIS Ltd. had been registered into the Commercial Register