Security (certification TIER III)
Availability at any time and from anywhere - 365/24/7
Central administration (rules, data, sharing)
Technologies independent on HW/SW infrastructure (operation systems, etc.)
Applications can be installed on external infrastructure (cloud), internal infrastructure, even direct in the reader
Solutions verified with a variety of different clients
Standardized solutions
Tailor-made solutions
"Comprehensive time and attendance system based on open source technologies in the cloud"
"Out of the 27 companies in the competition, our company finally got the trust. A groundbreaking solution due to the application of a number of management functions: immediate presence - the company's viability, periodic planning holidays, centralized management headquarters and affiliates"
"Complicated solution for all hospital staff including planning, servicing, emergency, passive / active service with e-output to payroll system"
"Successful deployment of biometrics (hand geometry) at all branches - elimination of black hours"
"Fancy and effective attendance of headquarters employees and all branches (200+) using a virtual attendance reader"
"Entrance to power plant premises by identity verification through biometrics - hand geometry"
EU, China, Russia, USA...
State and private organizations
Central and commercial banks
Partners, ...
1992 - World Leadership - reference databases of the world-wide currencies
1995 - Biometric time and attendance system
2016 - Application package in the cloud